Endorsement of our project

Endorsement of our project

Category : solarpower



RE: Benefits that have come to our school, Syamwiinga primary on having solar power with support for GIAKONDA.

The above caption matters refers,

Our school received and had solar panels installed with support from GIAKONDA in 2021.

In line with government policy computer literacy programs has been embarked on. Competence on hands on to pupils, teachers and community members has greatly improved.

Due to the solar panels, adult literacy learning programs has been introduced. This is in the evenings.

Pupils have also benefited since they can now do their evening study.

Teachers have directed benefited by lessening burden on lesson preparations .The lessons are now more effective by the use of RACHEL PI and RASBERY PI .

The school has actually been earmarked for upgrade to junior secondary, since it has now power.

We whole heatedly thank Giakonda for this support and hope our partnership will go a step further.

With regards to the supporting team Giakonda solar schools, we say thanks and hope for more support.

 Head teacher

Nawiko Lungowe