Meeting with District Education Board Secretary

Meeting with District Education Board Secretary

Category : News , zambia

This morning we had a very useful meeting with The District Education Board Secretary and her Standards Officer. We discussed our program and advised them of our progress.

Yesterday teachers agreed to meet once a month to share and solve IT issues. They will report back to us so we can better identify the problems facing them.

We discussed the best way to refurbish the PCs that have already arrived and those in transit. The Standards Officer will allocate them according to school needs.

We explained our next visit, (planned for June), which will be focussed on finding out the impact we have had so far. We will be carrying out interviews, questionnaires and focus group discussions. We will also be looking at school statistics.

DEBS has kindly offered to provide transport to do the solar installations next week- dependent on road conditions. We will be installing solar panels in Dibbwi, Nashongo, and Manchamvwa Inland Schools thanks to funding under the Welsh Government Wales for Africa Grant Scheme.

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