Dibbwi Primary School
Category : solarpower , zambia
Dibbwi is a remote rural school in the Chaanga area which draws its pupils from 15 villages with an estimated population of 2350. The inhabitants are mainly subsistence farmers growing vegetables, maize, millet and sorghum. They also grow some cotton and sugar cane as a cash crop. Some keep cattle, sheep or pigs. When crops fail they turn to charcoal burning to raise cash.
As you can see, the ground is dry and sandy. Our car got stuck and fortunately these ladies appeared from nowhere to help push!
There are 260 pupils on roll, 101 girls and 160 boys. The head teacher estimates that there may be as many as 200 other children who do not attend school. There are 3 government teachers and 2 community volunteers.
We installed solar power in February 2019 thanks to a grant from Welsh Government’s Wales for Africa Grant Scheme.
We returned in June to monitor how all our solar schools are progressing. This was made possible by a grant from The Waterloo Foundation.
This school was making very good use of its solar power to charge laptops and the projector for about four hours each week day. The Head Teacher is using the resources to teach his teachers the basics in computers so that they can relay the information to their pupils. They have also made good use of Reading Aloud books. On this follow-up visit, we left an updated version of RACHEL containing African Story Books in Chitonga, the local language.