Kabbila School

Kabbila School

Category : News , solarpower

Today our monitoring visits took us to Kabbila and Namumu Schools. The Waterloo Foundation are funding this task.


Kabbila is a remote school which has been beautifully decorated by Hafod Primary School in Swansea.

decorated classroom at Kabbila decorated classsroom at kabbila

You can see pylons from the school grounds but no power for them.
panels on roof at kabbilaPylons in background

It was the first school in which we installed solar panels, courtesy of funds from University of Wales Trinity St Davids. They had looked after their equipment despite several changes of Head teacher.

solar set up at Kabbila Schoolsolar controller

There are many challenges for schools such as this but the community rallies around. The Head of the PTA was mending the milling machine while we were there!

milling machinegoats