Manchamvwa Lakeshore

Manchamvwa Lakeshore

Category : solarpower , zambia

On 13th June we visited Manchamvwa Lakeshore School using the Office of the President’s boat.The District  Education Board Secretary, the Resource Centre Coordinator and Human Resources Officer joined us. We also invited along Deana and Belinda from Friends of Monze   to help us with our monitoring exercise which is funded by The Waterloo Foundation.

Wendy and DEBSall aboard for lakeshore schools

We provided solar power to the school in Spring 2018 thanks to funding from Hub Cymru Africa and were pleased to find everything in good working order.

solar controllersbatteries

There was an extensive garden on site where they grew water melons. The Head Teacher gave us a water melon  to take for our lunch. He said he had consulted RACHEL learning resource to see how to grow them! We were pleased to discover the different uses that this resource is put to.

gardenWatermelonschildren at manchamvwaschool groundsManchamvwa Lakeshore schoolfishing and cattle farming