Munyama School

Munyama School

Category : News , solarpower

Our second visit on 13th June was to Munyama School. We are carrying out an exercise to monitor our impact thanks to funding from The Waterloo Foundation. This is the Zone school for the area and takes pupils to Grade 9.

Like Manchamvwa Lakeshore it is difficult to access and best reached by boat. A grant from Hub Cymru Africa enabled us to supply solar panels to both schools in Spring 2018.

Munyamasolar setup at Munyama

Everything was tidy and in good condition. We were very impressed with the Grade 9 pupils working on laptops donated by us and borrowed from Teachers. They were busy creating charts from spreadsheets and inserting them into presentation software.

IT classIT pupil

munyama schoolportable science lab

Like other schools which teach older pupils, Munyama School has been given a very basic portable “science lab” to use in Grades 8 and 9.

We are pleased to report that since our last visit the school now has two large water storage tanks to store water pumped up from Lake Kariba.

If you would like to help us continue to support Munyama and other schools, please consider donating here